The People Have Spoken!

SANDAG is Broken! 

San Diego voters faced two of the largest land use and transportation decisions in county history and sent a resoundingly positive message with the massive defeat of both Measures A & B. The defeat of Measure A was a vote of no confidence in SANDAG and represents the need to change the transportation paradigm in the region. The rejection of Measure B Lilac Hills Ranch points to the need to accommodate affordable housing by building sustainable transit based cities and growing up, not out. 

A & B In The News: 

No on SANDAG Tax

  • Tax funds a failed Regional Transportation Plan with HUGE list of unmitigable impacts
  • 247% increase in GHGs over 2050 targets
  • This is a surtax which fails to improve transit. We already pay ½ ¢ sales tax, TransNet, which needs to be reallocated
  • 40 additional years of tax for business as usual: more sprawl, congestion, freeways & pollution
  • Funds piecemeal transit projects, does not fund a functioning transit system to serve urban areas
  • Fails to accomplish water quality/fire reduction
  • Sales tax = regressive tax (overburdens the poor)

No on Lilac Hills Ranch

  • Violates CEQA
  • Violates General Plan
  • Violates climate change standards
  • Increases VMT, induces sprawl
  • A false solution to the housing crisis
  • Destroys farmland
  • Violates fire safety standards
  • Burdens taxpayers with new infrastructure costs: school & roads 

SANDAG's Regional Transportation Plan (RTP): List of Unmitigable Impacts: 

1. Aesthetics and Visual Resources

2. Agricultural and Forestry Resources

3. Air Quality

4. Biological Resources

5. Cultural and Paleontological Resources

6. Energy

7. Mineral Resources

8. GHG Emissions

9. Hazards and Hazardous Materials

10. Land Use

11. Noise and Vibration

12. Population and Housing

13. Public Services and Utilities

14. Transportation

15. Water Supply


7.3 Significant Irreversible Impacts

“The proposed Plan would substantially induce irreversible population growth and increased density, which would displace existing housing units, and result in additional people that would be susceptible to noise impacts. As development occurs at urban edges, additional people and structures would be at risk from wildland fires.” -SANDAG's 2015 RTP EIR